What to Consider When Choosing Exterior Blinds

Exterior blinds can be a good option for a home or storefront that is often exposed to harsh weather conditions, as these may provide more protection against wind, rain, and hail than internal blinds. For a storefront, some exterior blinds might also reduce the risk of a window being broken or other such vandalism. When you're ready to choose exterior blinds for a home or commercial facility, note a few things to consider so you know you make the right choice.

1. Material

Note the material of exterior blinds; fabric can give them a softer look that is good for homes and areas where you want to create a comfortable atmosphere, such as an outdoor café. Mesh fabrics also allow you to still see inside or outside the window even when the blinds are closed. However, vinyl and acrylic may be more resistant to mold and mildew growth, so they may be better in areas with very high humidity. Certain vinyl and acrylic materials may have a higher fire resistance rating than fabrics, and this can offer added protection against the risk of brush fires.

2. Sealed

When blinds are installed outside a home or building, they can be sealed, meaning they run on a track that is affixed along the entire window frame. This allows for added insulation inside the home or commercial facility when the blinds are closed, and may also offer added protection against high winds and vandalism. However, you may not want to affix a track for the blinds outside your windows as this can detract from their appearance. You need to balance the function of the blinds with the look that a seal will create on the windows in order to choose.

3. Controls

Choose the controls of your exterior blinds carefully. Spring loaded blinds are those that you need to tug to get the spring to work; these can be cumbersome, especially if you want to have exact control over where the blinds sit as you raise or lower them. A gearbox mechanism uses a knob that you turn to work the gear; this allows you to raise and lower the blinds to an exact height so that you have full control over how much sunlight is getting inside the windows. For maximum convenience, a motorized system works with a remote control so that you can operate the blinds from afar. This can be good for commercial facilities where you don't want your staff to run back and forth to operate the blinds, or for seniors who may have trouble constantly getting up to simply raise and lower their exterior blinds.
